PARAGON UVC Sanitizing Cabinets
In the past two weeks, we have been inundated with orders for the PARAGON S20 Ultra Violet (UV) Sanitizer Cabinets. These units were designed for use in the cosmetology/beauty industry, so we were all taken back by the sudden demand for use beyond its intended design. It seems like this unit has been recognized to be a trust brand, so thank you. Before you purchase this unit, we want to make sure we are fully transparent with the ability and limits of this PARAGON S20 Ultra Violet (UV) Sanitizer Cabinets. We want to help explain the technology to you based on available information, so you can make an informed choice.
- Ultraviolet (UV) sanitizer cabinets do not function similar to or have the capability of an autoclave sterilizer or heat sterilizers.
- UV light destroys the molecular bonds that hold together the DNA of viruses and bacteria.
- UV light is a particularly good option for sanitation because it works without toxic chemicals.
- Only the exposed surfaces (in respect to the UV light) are treated.
For more information from the CDC regarding the use of UVC technologies to decontaminate and reuse of filtering facepiece respirators, please reference this article: here.